Roles of the Council, DEFRA and other organisations
Animal health and welfare laws are enforced jointly by us and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), in association with other government bodies and independent organisations like the RSPCA.
What the Animal Welfare team does
- horse riding premises
- dog breeding premises
- animal boarding premises
- dangerous/wild animals
- pet shops.
What Defra does
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) deals with:
- national animal health and welfare strategy
- animal welfare at farms, markets, slaughterhouses
- the Pet Travel Scheme
- international trade in animals
- animal diseases - control and surveillance, BSE, tuberculosis, scrapie, Foot and Mouth disease
- animal by-products
- wildlife conservation and biodiversity
- wildlife crime.
Coventry Dog Wardens
Our telephone number is for live incidents only, such as stray dogs.