Pat Sullivan - February winner

Pat Sullivan’s commitment to the community stretches back some 30 years.  Her hard work and commitment as the Treasurer, Secretary, keyholder and General Administrator for the Village Hall in Eastern Green dates back to around 1984. She announced her intention to retire from the position – aptly described by one resident as ‘chief cook and bottle washer’ – last year, and it will take numerous people to replace her, as parts of her role will be undertaken by many different people! In this sense, she is literally an irreplaceable individual who has offered outstanding voluntary service to her community.

It is clear that Pat’s dedication to the Village Hall and its many users has been instrumental in its continued success on a reasonably firm financial footing. The Centre is a ‘not for profit’ facility run for the benefit if the community. Pat has dedicated 3 decades to the running of the centre whilst also having a full time job.  Her dedication to the community is unquestionable and Pat’s retirement is considered a great loss to the local community. It is therefore entirely appropriate to mark the occasion by presenting her with the Good Citizen Award in recognition of her devotion over a very prolonged period to the community.