About us

Wyken ELC is a purpose built Pupil Referral Unit located in the North East of the city. The Centre provides a small supportive environment for Key Stage 3 pupils who have experienced difficulties in mainstream school. Each pupil is taught within a small teaching group of no more than 12 pupils and with the additional support of a teaching assistant. Pastoral support is very strong, each pupil is allocated a mentor on entry and has regular contact and timetabled support with their mentor. A key role of the mentor is to provide regular feedback to carers and parents about the progress their child is making.

Wyken ELC provides a safe and nurturing environment allowing each child an opportunity to experience success within an educational setting. The main purpose of the Centre is to re-engage pupils with their education and provide an opportunity to return to a mainstream school. Prior to returning to a mainstream school pupils are allocated an Education Key Worker who will provide transitional support throughout the process. In addition to this, the Centre works closely with outside agencies supporting those children who require additional support with their learning and behaviour.

Each pupil follows a structured induction programme and completes a range of baseline assessments enabling staff to plan a curriculum tailored towards individual needs and address any gaps within their prior learning.

For general enquiries, please contact Wyken ELC via email @celc@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:jaswant.randhawa@coventry.gov.uk].

Should you require paper copies of any information or documentation, please contact us.

Extended Learning Centre - Wyken

Open 8am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Address: Wyken ELC
Axholme Road

Telephone: 024 7697 8190 [tel:02476978190]


The curriculum offered to pupils covers the following curriculum areas:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • ICT
  • Humanities
  • Art
  • Citizenship
  • PSHE
  • Music
  • PE

To support the curriculum offer, the centre has positive working relationships with a range of providers including Positive Youth Foundation, Street Doctors, Streetwise and Coventry Music.

The Centre also provides additional support for parents and has recently organised Parenting Workshops with the support of the Positive Parenting Programme.

Extended Learning Centre - Wyken

Open 8am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Address: Wyken ELC
Axholme Road

Telephone: 024 7697 8190 [tel:02476978190]