At the UHCW Hospital School, we aim to engage inpatients aged 4-16 in learning whilst they are in hospital.  Our key aim is to minimise the impact of their stay in hospital on their education and wellbeing, allowing them to keep up to date with their classmates and the learning that they are missing out on in school.

Children are taught on a one-to-one basis at the bedside on Wards 14-16. We have a small classroom on Ward 16, in which we can teach groups of up to 3 pupils at a time. 

We are proud to offer a broad, flexible and personalised curriculum to pupils which matches their medical, emotional and academic needs.  For more details about our provision, please select the type of school your child attends.

Thank you,

Liz Morshead (Teacher in Charge at UHCW)

Hospital School Staff Team

Our Staff team for the Hospital School based at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire:

Primary Team

  • Lead Teacher/Primary: Mrs Morshead
  • Teaching Assistant: Mrs McDonald
  • Primary Teacher - Mrs Clews

Secondary Team

  • Teaching Assistant: Mrs Read
  • English - Miss Saffrey
  • Maths - Mrs Dye
  • Science - Miss Glenn
  • ICT - Mr Ley
  • ICT/ Business - Mr Dowey
  • Art - Ms Gregg
  • PSHE - Mrs Dhillon

Primary pupils

Hello and Welcome from the Hospital School’s Primary Team.

Primary School Staff Team

  • Mrs Morshead (Primary Lead Teacher)
  • Mrs Clews (Primary Class Teacher)
  • Mrs McDonald (Teaching Assistant)

Here is a little information about how our school works

Our school day is flexible. Below is an indication of an average school day offer:


  • Starter activity
  • Maths
  • English


  • Reading
  • Science/Art/Humanities/RE/PSHCE /Topic

Reception pupils will receive work in line with the EYFS Curriculum. Pupils not well enough for academic work will be offered wellbeing activities whilst on the ward.

The vast majority of teaching and learning is provided at bedsides, although we do have a small classroom, which is located opposite the nurses’ station on ward 16.

A folder will be provided to keep schoolwork in. We suggest that you photograph any practical tasks completed, or we can record them on an extra sheet. Photographs and the contents of the folder provide evidence that work has been completed in the hospital school. Please take the folder with you at the end of your stay and give it to your child’s school.

Parents, please be aware that we do not routinely contact schools. Please follow the usual absence procedures of your child’s school. If you let them know that your child has been working in our hospital school, they will receive an ‘educated off site’ mark instead of an ‘absent’ mark.

At the end of your stay, we would be very grateful if you would fill in these brief feedback forms. We really appreciate knowing how you have found our service and are always seeking ways to improve.

We hope that you will enjoy working with us and we look forward to supporting you during your stay.

Parent/Carer Feedback Form

Pupil Feedback Form

Secondary pupils

Hello and Welcome from the Hospital School’s Secondary Team.

Here is a little information about how our school works, including a timetable of what staff members are teaching and which subjects on each day of the week. You will be offered a starter activity at the start of each school day, followed by a morning lesson and an afternoon lesson, each with specialist teachers.

A folder will be provided to keep schoolwork in. The contents of the folder provide evidence that work has been completed in the hospital school. Please take the folder with you at the end of your stay and give it to your school.

Parents/carers, please be aware that it is your responsibility to follow the usual absence procedures of your child’s school and to inform them of your child’s stay at UHCW. It may be advisable to inform the school of the reasons for your child’s stay in order for them to facilitate a smooth return to school. We do not routinely contact schools when students are admitted/discharged.

If you let your child’s school know that they have been working in our hospital school, they will receive an ‘educated off site’ mark instead of an ‘absent’ mark.

At the end of your stay, we would be very grateful if you would fill in these brief feedback forms. We really appreciate knowing how you have found our service and are always seeking ways to improve.

Parent/Carer Feedback Form

Pupil Feedback Form

Thank you and we look forward to supporting you during your stay.

Specialist provision

The education team at UHCW aim to engage with all school age patients at UHCW, providing them with wellbeing and learning activities.

We ask that parents/carers of children who attend settings for pupils with SEND help us to provide for children by informing us of their means of communication, interests and needs. 

Appropriate learning activities will be provided for you to complete with your child and one-to-one sessions will be offered wherever possible. Boxes of sensory equipment are available to stimulate and/or calm children with sensory needs.

Mrs Morshead