Henley Ward

Electorate: 12,890

Ballot Papers Issued: 7,231

Rejected Ballot Papers: 25

Turnout: 56 %

Election results for Henley Ward
Candidate Name Candidate Party Number of Votes
 Tom Gower  British National Party  577
 Will Jones  Conservative Party  1,519
 Josie Kenny  Socialist Alternative  154
 Kevin Barry Maton  Labour Party [The]  2,994
 Brian David Patton  Liberal Democrats  1,951

Rejected votes

  • Want of official mark: 0
  • Voting for more candidates than entitled to: 3
  • Writing/mark by which voter could be identified: 0
  • Unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty: 22

Duly elected

Kevin Barry Maton (Labour hold)

Electoral Services

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays)

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 3034