Getting started

Don't just sit your child in front of the TV, there's a world out there to explore.

Whether you visit the shops, go on a bus or to the zoo, make the most of spending time together. All outings can give you and your child lots to talk about. For babies, name all the things you see (bus, bike, policeman, elephant), for older children describe them as well (big grey elephant).

Trips are easy to talk about before they happen and after they have happened (Do you remember when the elephant came very near us?) or (tomorrow we are going to town on a big red bus). More than anything, trips give you special times to share together that are lots and lots of fun.

Here are some tips to get you started

  • Talk about where you are going as you get ready
  • Name and describe what you see
  • Introduce new words
  • Give your child time to respond and make their own comments
  • Collect packaging, leaflets, tickets and natural objects to talk about and pretend play with them at home
  • Use stories and photos to prompt memories