Targeted Short Breaks

Short breaks

Targeted short breaks are for children and young people who, based on an assessment of their needs, require additional support to access activities. Support is available through the provision of a support worker. In these circumstances, the relevant professional involved with the family (e.g. a social worker, early help worker or school representative) will complete an assessment to consider the child and family’s needs and what package of support would meet these needs.

Targeted Short Breaks packages are approved at the Short Breaks Panel. The Panel meets monthly and is chaired by the Operational Lead for the Children's Disability Team.

What if my child does not have a professional involved with the family?

If a child or young person does not have a professional worker, the school can complete an assessment and request to attend the Short Breaks Panel. A parent can also refer their child or young person via the MASH for an assessment to consider support needs.

Community Short Breaks

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7678 7980

Short breaks

Short Breaks Statement

View our Short Breaks Statement
SEND Local Offer

Coventry Local Offer

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For more services, see Coventry's Local Offer