Clothing collection scams

Over 90% of the goods sold in charity shops are donated by people like you, and charities rely on your support and generosity.

Household collections are a popular way for charities to collect donations, but beware - some of these collections are bogus. 

Don't stop giving to charities and those in need

Donating your clothing and other goods to genuine charities helps to raise vital funds. But please make sure that your donation goes to a proper charity or organisation collecting on their behalf. Taking care when making your donation means that you can be sure that your help goes to those who really need it - and that charities don't lose out.

Be aware - treat with caution

Unfortunately, anonymous 'bogus' collectors may take advantage of your generosity for their own gain. They may also steal donations left out for collection by genuine charities. These bogus collections cost charities at least £2 million a year.

Be careful - don't be misled

Don't be taken in. Read the small print. Know where your donation is going. Check contact details, as they might be false. Are they clear? Is the charity named? As a general rule, if there is no  telephone number the people who put the leaflet through your door don't want you to call - for a reason.

Check before you give

If you have any doubts about leaflets asking for donations, check them out.