Damp and mould

We receive a large number of complaints about damp and mould in privately rented houses, and unfortunately the majority of these are caused by tenant activity. We are therefore not able to investigate complaints about damp and mould unless you can confirm that you are already taking reasonable steps to avoid them.

The most common causes of damp and mould are:

  • Not ventilating the house (ie, not opening any windows – you need to let fresh air into the property, even when it’s cold outside!)
  • Not heating the house
  • Drying laundry on radiators

For more information please read our preventing damp and mould leaflet.

If you are confident that you are already following this guidance and believe there may be a disrepair issue behind your mould problem, then you should request repairs from your landlord in writing. If you landlord will not help, you can contact us using our complaint form.

Housing Enforcement

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5495

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