Scanning or copying of large plans

Costs of scanning or copying large plans
Process Size Black and white or colour Price (not including VAT)
Scan/print A0 Black and white - standard £4.00
Scan/print A1 Black and white - standard £3.00
Scan/print A2 Black and white - standard £2.00
Scan/print A0 Colour - standard £12.00
Scan/print A1 Colour - standard £10.00
Scan/print A2 Colour - standard £8.00
Scan/print A0 Colour - gloss £20.00
Scan/print A1 Colour - gloss £16.00
Scan/print A2 Colour - gloss £12.00
Disc of images N/A N/A £1.00
Minimum collection/delivery charge N/A N/A £7.50
Scanning - includes disc A0 N/A £5.00
Scanning - includes disc A1 N/A £4.00
Scanning - includes disc A2 N/A £3.00
Minimum collection/delivery charge N/A N/A £7.50

Digital Print and Mailroom Services

Opening times: Monday-Thursday 8.30am-4.30pm, Fri, 8.30am-4pm.

Address: Unit 1-3
Lythalls Lane

Telephone: 024 7678 6154/5