Environmental Protection holds a range of historical records, site investigation reports, information on closed landfill sites, pollution records, air quality data and details of industrial processes. The Environmental Protection Team is also responsible for regulating contaminated land - under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The majority of the information is available via our website, Planning Portal and online maps (Environmental Protection Map & Planning Portal Map). All searches are made publicly available (without personal information). Please check our online disclosure log to see if the information you have requested is already available.

Many of the requests we receive are from private house sales, where a property search has failed due to a potential issue with the quality of the land. If you would like a report on a particular site, property or house this would fall under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. There is a charge for this service of £35 an hour. This fee is to cover officer time and is payable in advance. Please contact us to obtain a quote for the information you require. Please check our online map to ensure the property falls within the Coventry district.

Submit an EIR enquiry

If your enquiry relates to a particular property please use the reference number generated in the payment section.

Pay for an EIR request online

(Please select Other payments > Environment and Waste > Court fee environmental protection using the reference code generated by your request).

Alternatively, we are able to accept cheques or payment via invoice. However, this may cause a delay in issuing the information as payment is required before the information can be released.

Under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 we can take up to 20 working days to respond to a request from the time of payment.

If you would like to discuss your request please feel free to contact our team, details are provided below.

Here are further details about Environmental Information Requests and details of the regulations.

Environmental Protection

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street