ICT acceptable use policy

You are responsible for the use of the computer and the internet during your booking. This booking must be made using your own library card. Library staff will monitor your use of the internet and other computer software, remotely or by visual checks.

You must indicate your acceptance of this policy or you will not be able to use the computers or the Internet.

  • The Council provides free public access to computers and the internet for your education and learning, information and leisure needs.
  • The Council has no control over the information provided over the internet and has no responsibility for the quality, authenticity, accuracy and legality of the information you get through the Internet.
  • Filtering software is used to restrict access to illegal, offensive or inappropriate websites. We do not guarantee its effectiveness.
  • Children and young people aged 15 or under must get written permission from their parent or guardian before they can use the internet.

You must not intentionally access or transmit material that is illegal. This includes pornographic, defamatory and materials inciting racial hatred, websites depicting or inciting terrorist or criminal acts. You should be aware of your responsibilities under the Obscene Publications Act (1959 and 1964), the Telecommunications Act (1984), The Race Relations Act (1976 and 2000). You must not access or transmit material that may be deemed to offend; for example sites of extreme violence or depicting death or suicide.

Remember these two things

  • Your use of the internet may be monitored.
  • You are in a public place and other people may be able to see the sites you are on.

The following misuse of the People's Network will result in suspension

  • Any attempt to visit prohibited or illegal sites, damaging the equipment or altering computer settings.
  • Failure to tell staff immediately if you go on a prohibited website by mistake.
  • Printing material without following copyright law.

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated while using the computers or the internet or have been unfairly suspended, you have the right to appeal any decision made.