The Complex Communications Team, in conjunction with the SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), have put together a series of supporting videos for parents/carers to enable them to prepare their children and young people for the transition back into school. These resources were originally developed during the COVID-19 pandemic are also useful for use with children and young people during a transition back into a setting.

These videos/materials are particularly useful for those young people with social communication difficulties and ASD diagnosis, but they also contain general information which may support all youngsters, in what has, and continues to be, a confusing and sometimes worrying time.

This was originally intended to be for a SEND IASS parent information session, but it was felt that more parents/carers would be able to benefit from seeing this in their own time rather than a set session. If you have any questions that arise from the videos, please send them to [] or contact 024 7669 4307. 

The videos are available via the SEND Information Advice and Support Service's YouTube channel []

The videos

Parent packs and other resources

To accompany the videos, there are also a number of resources in the Parent Packs. This includes visual resources (which you can also print), social stories, anxiety scales, and self-calming techniques. 

These resources have also been made available to schools, so if you are unable to download them yourself, simply ask your school's SENCo for the pack.

There are also some really good resources available from the National Autistic Society [] and also some excellent free (and paid for) resources from ELSA support [].