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Simply the Book - A cruel twist of fate

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There is one response to “Simply the Book - A cruel twist of fate”

  1. Bea Says:

    I enjoyed this book a lot as the mystery made it a thrilling read that was very hard to put down.I liked the story line as it was a poor family struggling for education at the start then she found a job working for the family that were related to her father’s death as a governess for there children which is ironic as she struggled for education herself and only managed to get it by stealing money from her mothers sweet business which is failing anyway.

    My favourite character was the main girl as she was taking risks and determined to find out what happened to her favourite moment was when she thought that her mothers sweet business had no idea she had taken the money and caused them to go in debt but actually her mum already knew and didn’t mind as she knew she was being sensible with it and not like most people her age who spend it on stuff they don’t least favourite moment was the start when the man demanded the money from them as he was very cruel and horrible it was also so sad as this is how the daughter finally found out they were in debt even though her suspicions this confirmed them