Edge Training - Tim Baldwin

see training calendar

Course details

Course Aim

• Identify key aspects of mental capacity law with reference to statute and the Code

 • Establish frameworks for the accurate recording of essential evidence

 • Ensure staff are clear on good and bad recording techniques

 • Identify the key law to guide completion of the COP forms.

 • An overview of giving evidence in the Court of Protection and key mistakes to avoid

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course participants will be have:


• Increased knowledge of mental capacity law and practice

 • Increased knowledge of the statutory frameworks and rules within which the court operates

 • Enhanced skills to deal with report writing and preparing evidence for the Court of Protection

 • Increased confidence with attending court.


Please note: For this course to be successful, delegates must have had training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and remind themselves of Sections 1-6 of the Act before attending.

Course length
1 day
Knowledge and Skills Framework
The role of social workers working with adults (2) Person-centred practice (3) Effective assessments and outcome based support planning (6) Organisational context (9)
Professional Capability Framework
Values and Ethics: Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice (2) Knowledge: Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory (5) Contexts and organisations: Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively within multi agency and inter professional partnerships and settings (8)
Target group

Nominations for Social Workers from Older People’s, All Age Disability team and Mental Health teams


Nominations only