Dippy: The Nation's Favourite Dinosaur
Fresh from its recent return home to the Natural History Museum, Dippy the Diplodocus (DIP-low-DOCK-us) is stomping into Coventry to remain as dino-in-residence at the Herbert for three years!
Friday Social @ The Caribbean Centre
Join us for our Friday Social, every week (except Friday 21 February 2025, where we will be holding a private event) where you can meet new people, have a drink, play games and connect with others.
Valentine themed tour of London Road Cemetery
Join our volunteer team for a Valentine themed tour of London Road Cemetery. Find out about some of the couples buried here - and about the Valentines made by Coventry manufacturers.
Love Cov Elephant Trail
Win a prize by finding all eight elephants and answering eight questions that are labelled on the elephant stand found at the participating venues.
Romeo & Juliet
Shakespeare and Rap. A love story. The original play, originally scored – with rap and R&B.
Craft and Hobby Fair
St Andrew's Church is hosting our first Craft and Hobby Fair for 2025 on Saturday 22 February from 1.30pm until 4.30pm at Eastern Green Village Hall, Church Lane, Coventry, CV5 7BX.
The Unknown Soldier
An emotive dance theatre show that reveals the hidden histories of Black British soldiers.
A Cheltenham preview evening with Mick Quinn
Hosted by Sky Blue legend, a Cheltenham preview evening with Derek Thomson and trainer Tom Ellise
'Tales After Dark' from Weeping Bank
Two original ghost stories read by candlelight by The Librarian of Weeping Bank.
600 Years! From Hildegard to Haydn
Sounds Historical perform a tour of musical history in the Anglican Chapel, London Road Cemetery