Coventry ELC aims to ensure that all children attend school regularly and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available. Regular, punctual attendance is valued and positively encouraged for all our students.

The School believes that irregular attendance undermines the educational process and leads to educational disadvantage. It places children at risk, and, in some cases, it can result in students being drawn into patterns of anti-social or criminal behaviour. Coventry ELC thus has a strong system in place to enable those in it to do everything in their power to promote the philosophy of regular attendance.

We believe that good attendance is important, because:

  • It promotes a successful school experience
  • It is an achievement in its own right
  • It is important in preparing students to be responsible adults

It is important that everyone – students, parents, and staff work together to enable it to happen. Promoting good attendance must be a priority.

View the attendance related resources, information and the Student Leave of Absence form.

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Coventry ELC is a Pupil Referral Unit for Key Stage 3 & 4 pupils.


Our Extended Learning Centres