What you will see on the map

The list below shows the information available from the online map, whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate there may well be omissions and errors within the historic record.

If you think something is missing or in the wrong place then please let us know by emailing the details to the planning team.

Planning - current

All new applications submitted and those where the permission has not yet expired, with links to the online planning register. If the application is still being decided you will be able to submit any comments through the online "comment" button. New applications are added daily.

Planning - historical

Applications made from 1990 onwards (not including the above) We have tried to include all applications since 1990 but the information is still being checked. If you find an error or something missing, then please let us know.

Hawkhurst Moor Colliery historic planning applications

Historic applications relating to undermining and associated works  cannot be shown on our online map because of the application area, but are part of the planning history for sites in the south west of the city and are linked below

Building control  - current [BETA]

Most recent applications made to Coventry Building Control for building regulation consent. The information is updated daily. Information is also included for approved inspectors and competent persons submissions. This information is updated on a monthly basis. Whilst most applications within the city are included, we are still address-matching some applications so if you are in any doubt, you should contact Building Control.

Building control - historical [BETA]

Building control applications made between 1992-2014. The information displayed includes reference number, start date, completed date, proposal and decision. We are still checking and adding to this information, but felt that even though there may be some mistakes or things missing, the information would be helpful. If you find an error (or think we have missed something) please e-mail us with the reference and we will investigate. Not all building regulation applications can be shown at this time and updates are undertaken on a monthly basis.

Conservation and heritage

  1. All conservation area boundaries are available to view
  2. All statutory listed buildings are identified on the map within links to Heritage England's listing information
  3. All locally listed buildings are identified on the map these properties are considered to be of local interest
  4. Archaeological sites are identified on the map

For further information or if you are considering proposals that may affect any of the above areas you should contact the Conservation Area Team for advice.


This identifies some useful policy areas from the current Development Plan (Coventry Development Plan 2001). It does not reflect all policy areas and is confined to showing

  1. Green Belt (where restrictions on development are greater)
  2. Local and district centres (where commercial retail uses shops, restaurants etc. are more likely to be acceptable)

Constraint area

No Permitted Development (NPD) Area - Sometimes when granting planning permission, we will remove some or all of the permitted development allowances that would allow extensions or alterations to the property without further planning permission. These areas are known as No Permitted Development Area. We have identified the areas on our online map with some brief details of the development allowances remove. You should always check the original decision notice under which the property was constructed to confirm the information.

Article 4 directions - Where some or all of the permitted development allowances have been removed.

Classified Roads - All the classified roads are now shown. Planning permission will be required for lowered kerbs and new vehicle crossing onto a classified roads.

Community Assets - Properties or sites that have been placed on our register of Community Assets which protects them from certain types of development.

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) can be placed on any suitable tree, including trees on private land. A TPO can cover a single tree, groups of trees or woodlands but not hedges or shrubs. The map shows the general location of protected trees and has links to relevant TPO documents.

We are still checking this information, but felt the information would be useful. If you find an error then please contact us with the reference and we will investigate. It is always best to check with the Tree Preservation Officer before carrying out work on any trees.

Adopted Highways

All the city's adopted highways are shown. If you have any queries regarding highway adoption then there is a link from the map to request further information.


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109