Advice and guidance

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We have a dedicated advice library for landlords and tenants of HMO properties. As a landlord, you should make sure you read the documents from the library so that you aware of your basic responsibilities.

Pre-licensing advice visits

We are not able to offer any general advice on HMO legislation beyond that contained on this website. If you are considering converting a property into an HMO, and you would like us to visit your property to advise you on the HMO licensing requirements before you apply, please contact us. There is a charge of £270.00 plus VAT (£324.00) for this service.

To pay, please:

Once you have paid, you need to register on the Online Portal. If you are already registered (since September 2022), you can just log in. Then go to Service Requests section select Pre-licensing advice option. You will be required to provide some basic information in order for us to arrange a visit.

We will respond within 14 days, and arrange with you to inspect the property. Please note that we can only provide assistance with Housing legislation; if you have queries about Planning or Building Regulations standards, please consult the relevant web pages.

HMO licensing

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5467

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