Processes and responsibilities of the Education Capital Strategy Team

  • Management of supply and demand of school places across Coventry to fulfil the local authority's statutory duty in providing sufficient school places.
  • Management of education capital investment in school buildings and close liaison with academy trusts and Diocesan Authorities, who have responsibility for capital investment in academy and voluntary aided schools.
  • Constructing the One Strategic Plan, which outlines proposals to change the capacity of schools and open new schools in order to meet the changing needs of communities across the city.
  • Coordinating academy conversions.
  • Liaising with the planning authority for proposed and new developments.
  • Determining term dates in liaison with colleagues, schools, academy trusts, parents/carers, professional associations, Diocesan Boards of Education, Trade Unions and other local authorities.
  • Working with health professionals, SEND colleagues and schools to make, where possible, necessary changes required to school buildings and sites for pupils requiring access arrangements in educational settings where they are deemed outside of the school's responsibility to deliver 'reasonable adjustments'.

Education Capital Strategy