Make sure you have all the information you need about the person you care for and how to manage any health conditions

Talk to the person’s GP or other health professional to make sure you have all the information you need:

  • Ask them about what signs, symptoms or situations to look out for, what kind of things should cause concern and what you should do in each situation
  • Discuss if something changes or something happens that you haven’t dealt with before – update your plan as necessary

    Healthwatch have developed 10 top tips for getting the most from your GP appointment.

Read leaflets or information online about specific health conditions so that you can learn about what to expect

  • NHS Choices website has an A-Z Conditions section which provides lots of information about the conditions, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments and also provides links to specialist organisations

Find out about carers' training and learning opportunities to learn more about different health conditions and how to care safely.

Carers Trust Heart of England

Telephone: 024 7663 2972