Publication Scheme

We ("The Council") operate this Publication Scheme ("The Scheme") under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOI").

FOI and the related Environmental Information Regulations 2004 ("EIR") give a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by Public Authorities, such as the Council.

You can find more information about FOI and EIR [/info/722/freedom_of_information-advice/469/freedom_of_information_act_2000] along with what we do (or do not do) regarding them.

We are fully committed to making as much information as possible available and to open and transparent government. We already publish a large amount of our information through a variety of media such as our website, the press and newsletters.

We have adopted the definition document for principal local authorities [] approved by the Information Commissioner's Office ("ICO").

This commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.

For access to more information that we make publicly available, visit our open data page [/info/200116/websites/650/open_data/2].

Our Publication Scheme shows the types of information that we will routinely make available electronically through our website. We list this information in eight broad classes approved by the ICO.

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

About the Council

1 - About the Council

We have around 6,000 employees, headed by a Chief Executive and Strategic Management Board who manages the day to day running of the Council and who are responsible for their own areas within the Council.

1.1 How the Council works

The Council is made up of 54 councillors who are elected every four years.

Councillors are accountable to all Coventry people and their main duty is to the whole community, with a special duty to their constituents - including those who did not vote for them. Following public consultation, the Council adopted a Cabinet and Leader form of Executive.

All councillors meet together as the Council where they decide overall policies and set the budget each year. The Council appoints the Cabinet whose main role is to develop and bring in policy on behalf of the Council. It is made up of 10 councillors, including the Council Leader, who are appointed by the Council to those positions.

A number of Scrutiny Committees monitor the decisions of the Cabinet and how policy is introduced. They can also recommend policies to the Cabinet and Council. They allow citizens to have a greater say in Council matters and they are consulted with by the Cabinet on developing policies.

Scrutiny councillors can "call-in" a decision that has been made by the Executive but not yet put into practice to consider whether the decision is the right one. Scrutiny Committees may recommend that the Cabinet reconsider the decision.

The Council also appoints Regulatory Committees to perform the Council's regulatory functions such as development-control and licensing. Other specialist committees are appointed by the Council when needed.

The Council has established a Standards Committee to advise on the adoption and implementation of a Code of Conduct and Political Conventions for elected and co-opted Members. All Members have agreed to follow these so as to ensure high standards in the way they carry out their duties.

1.2 How decisions are made

The Cabinet has to make decisions that are in line with the Council's overall policies and budget. Decisions outside the budget or policy framework are referred to the full Council.

Meetings of the Cabinet are open for the public, except where personal or confidential matters are being discussed.

1.3 Who provides the services?

The Chief Executive is the Head of Operations at the Council along with members of the Strategic Management Board;  Deputy Chief Executive, Director of HR, Director of Finance & Corporate Resources (Section 151 Officer) and Director of Legal & Governance Services (Statutory Monitoring Officer. They are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Council and its provision of services. 

1.4 Your rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOI")

You already have the right of access to information about yourself under the Data Protection Act 2018. In addition the Freedom of Information Act also gives you the right to access all the information the Council holds.

In broad terms, FOI gives you two related rights:

  • To be told if the Council holds the information you want; and
  • To receive a copy of the information you have requested, where possible in the manner you requested, e.g. as a copy or summary.
  • There are some exceptions to these rights. FOI calls them "exemptions" and the Council does not have to release information that any of the exemptions apply to. The Council has also provided details of the exemptions it will use and their scope as part of this scheme.

1.5 The Publication Scheme ("The scheme")

Under FOI, the Council must maintain a "Publication Scheme. EIR also encourages wide publication of information.

The scheme aims to provide you with details on how to get information the Council publishes. It tells you:

  • What information the Council routinely publishes or intends to publish;
  • How it is published;
  • When it is available;
  • Where it is located on our website; or if not
  • Kept within the Council and available from;
  • How you can access it; and
  • What it costs you, if anything, to access it.

Information detailed in the Scheme will either be information the Council feels is of specific interest or information that has been proven to be of special public interest, for example information requested on a regular basis.

The Council reviews the Scheme on a regular basis and adds information to it. It will only remove information from the Scheme where there are both good reasons for this and the Information Commissioner agrees to the removal.

How to obtain a document on the Publication Scheme

If you know the type of information you are looking for, try looking through the Classes List for electronically-available information.

If a copy is already available on our website or a linked website, such as The Coventry Partnership, they may help you locate the document on the web.

How we make information in the Scheme available

Information listed in the scheme can be made available in a number of ways:

  • Telephone - Many of our web links contain a telephone number for you to call if you need copies of documents.
  • Website - Many documents are currently available electronically on the website for you to access and download. Please note though that when the link is to another organisation's website, provision of the information is the responsibility of the organisation and not of the Council.
  • By post - information will be posted on request, following receipt of any fee applicable. Please send your request, clearly stating which document you require on the downloadable or electronic forms [/downloads/download/688/information_governance] available.
  • By e-mail - to: []
  • Other languages: some documents contained in the publication scheme can be requested in languages other than English, large print and Braille.

If you have any complaints about the Publication Scheme, you have a right to make an appeal to the Council's Information Governance Team.

If you are still dissatisfied, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

1.6 Information not covered by the Scheme

Not all the information the Council produces will be detailed in the Scheme. You can ask for any other information the Council holds. Details of how you can get copies of this information follow below and at the end of the scheme.

1.7 Deletion of information

The Council is neither allowed to withhold information requested properly nor to amend or destroy information to avoid its release. The Council is, however, allowed to destroy information in accordance with its document retention and disposal plan.

A lot of information the Council produces is only needed for a limited period. It costs a lot to keep information once it is no longer needed so the Council will destroy information that it no longer needs in accordance with its Record Retention and Disposal Schedules (R & D Schedules).

Re-use of Council information

The information provided may be reused for your personal use. This means that brief extracts of any of the material may be reproduced without permission, under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting, subject to an acknowledgement of the Council as the copyright owner.

Copyright law does not give you a right to re-use them in a way that would infringe or breach that copyright, by making copies, publishing and issuing copies to the public or to any other person. This means that wider re-use needs express permission in writing.

Please note that most of the information that you request or download is owned by the Council and subject to copyright protection. Where information can be reused, this and any terms that apply are indicated in the scheme.

Under the Re-use of Public Sector Information 2015 Regulations [/info/1088/copyright-reusing_public_sector_information/471/re-use_of_public_sector_information_regulations_2005] you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use under the regulations, for example; publication of the information or circulation to the public, will need permission and may be subject to terms and conditions.

For documents where the copyright does not belong to the Council you will need to apply separately to the copyright holder.

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

Asking for information

2.1 How to ask for information

You can ask us for a copy of any information we hold where an exemption does not apply. This applies to ALL information we hold.

Your request should made be in writing, giving a name and address and details of the information needed.

Submit a Freedom of Information request []

2.2 How long will I have to wait for an answer?

By law, we must supply you with the information you have asked for within 20 working days of receiving your request. We will always try to meet your request as quickly as possible. Where we publish information in the scheme, we would expect to satisfy most requests for Scheme information within five working days. If we do not manage this we will write to you explaining why and telling you when we will get the information.

The only exception is where you have to pay for the information. Then the maximum response time is extended to three months from when we receive the money. If you do have to pay, our targets remain the same but we aim to provide you with the requested information in five days from when you pay us, instead of when we receive your request.

2.3 Charges for information

As a general principle, we will only charge for information listed in the Scheme where you ask for it for commercial benefit or where we are allowed to charge by law.

We aim to make information available free of charge wherever possible.

Chargeable publications will be listed in the publication scheme; other items in the publication scheme are available free of charge.

For material that is not listed on the publication scheme, charges may apply depending on the amount of work involved. We will normally make a minimal charge (approx 5p per sheet of A4) for photocopying and will also charge at cost price for computer disks, audio or videotape used.

We will not charge for information downloaded from our internet site.

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

What doesn't the Council have to release?

We do not have to release all the information we hold. There are good reasons for this.

For example, some information may be withheld for crime prosecution purposes, to protect vulnerable people and some for reasons of commercial confidentiality such as trade secrets.

FOI details the types of information that may be exempt from publishing and/or disclosing and calls them "exemptions".

There are 24 exemptions in FOI. 8 are absolute exemptions - there is no obligation on us to disclose the information; 16 non-absolute, that is they rely on a Public Interest Test ( "PIT") applied on a case by case basis to determine whether the information that is covered by them should be released or withheld.

Where a PIT is used the intention will be to release as much information as possible, not to withhold information.

FOI allows us to claim these exemptions for information in its Scheme's Classes of Information, "Classes". Information listed in the Scheme for example, is exempt from disclosure under FOI.

Some exemptions will apply to all the Classes, for example, information that we are not allowed to publish because of other legislation. Other exemptions will be specific to an individual class of information.

Where we do not release information that has been requested, we will issue a "refusal notice".  This will detail what has been withheld, why and what exemption (s) applies. It will also detail how you can complain about our decision.

You have a right to make an appeal about the outcome of your request to our Information Governance Team.

If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of this appeal, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

Published information - Who are we and what do we do?

This section tells you the information we include in our Scheme. Much of our published information is available through our website and where this is so, the web address/link is given below. Where information is not available electronically, separate lists, giving details of what is available and where to get it, are provided.

This section contains our current structures, locations and contacts.

Council constitution

The Council's constitution [/constitution] is a number of documents that, under the Local Government Act 2000, have to be brought together and made available for public inspection. It sets out the basic principles for how we operate. It includes details of the Council and the committees to which the Council has delegated various powers and the roles that are the responsibility of the executive; the terms of reference of the various committees and other bodies; the standing orders that regulate the proceedings at meetings; financial regulations; the code of practice for the procurement of works, supplies and services; codes of conduct for members and employees; the schedule for the payment of members' allowances; and a description of the management structure of the Council's workforce.

Council democratic structure

This has any further information not included in the constitution and tells you about the decision making bodies of the Council and their role.

Location and opening times of Council properties

Details of Council properties [], whether open to the public or not.

Currently elected councillor information and contact details

This gives names of elected members, their positions on the Council and how they can be contacted. []

Contact details for all the Council's customer-facing departments

Comments, compliments and complaints [].

Most recent election results

This gives the results of the most recent elections [/electionresults] to the Council.

Relationships with other authorities

The Council works closely with other bodies to provide services. To help members of the public appreciate the role of the Council, the respective roles of different organisations are explained below.

Also, any partnership arrangements the Council has with other authorities are detailed below:

HM Coroner's Office

Further information about the work of the coroner.

Register Office

Coventry Register Office [/registeroffice] and its role.

Partnerships the Council is involved in:

Coventry Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership

Coventry Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership. This is a group of organisations working together to improve the lives of children and young people in the city.

The Coventry Police and Crime Board

The Coventry Police and Crime Board [] brings together all the main agencies working to make Coventry a safer, more confident city.

Coventry Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

The Youth Justice Service

This is a multi-disciplinary team that involves the Council working in partnership with other teams and outside agencies such as the police. Its aim is to reduce offending by young people.

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

What we spend and how we spend it

This section provides financial information about our expected and actual income and expenditure, products and services we buy, contracts and financial audit.

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

This provides financial information to show where money is being spent and where the Council or department is or has been planning to spend it. The difference between the two is published at least annually. This includes information about the Council's Revenue budgets and budgets for capital expenditure.

Coventry City Council Statement of Accounts

This Statement of Accounts [/info/10069/financial_information/116/statement_of_accounts] presents our annual accounts for the latest financial year.

Capital programme

We are a large organisation managing total expenditure of more than £700m and a net annual revenue budget in excess of £380m.

Spending reviews

For information on Financial audit reports, the elected members' allowances scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year and staff allowances and expenses, see contact details below.

Pay and grading structure

Information on the Council's pay and grading for its staff [/info/2/budgets_and_spending/103/salaries_of_senior_managers].

Procurement procedures

Details of the Council's procedures for buying goods and services [].

Details of contracts currently being tendered

Council contracts available for public tender. []

District auditor's report

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews [/info/725/council-performance_indicators/1184/council_plan_performance_reports].

Our policies and plans

Council policies, plans and strategies [/strategiesplansandpolicies].

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

What are our priorities? How are we doing?

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

How we make decisions

This details our decision-making processes and how we record our decisions.

Timetable of Council meetings

Our policies and procedures

This section shows our policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities. Some of the information about policies and procedures will be covered by our constitution.

Policies and procedures for conducting council business

Codes of practice, memoranda of understanding, procedural standing orders, internal guidance about the division of responsibilities between committees and delegated authority, policies on communications between councillors and members of staff and similar information are included below.

Members' Code of Conduct [/downloads/file/5755/members_code_of_conduct]

Policies and procedures for delivering our services

Including local area agreement memoranda and policies and procedures for handling information requests.

Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff

Details of how to apply for jobs with us [/jobs] and our current vacancies.

A number of policies, for example, equality and diversity, and health and safety, are also relevant to our employment of staff and can be found at:

Our Equality Strategy [/info/132/equality_and_diversity/1272/equality_and_diversity]

Our Health and Safety approach

Customer service standards for providing services to residents, including the complaint procedure. Complaints procedures will include those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme.

Our Customer Service Standards [/info/353/complaints-procedure/545/comments_compliments_and_complaints]

Records management and personal data policies [/info/200031/data_protection_and_freedom_of_information/472/records_management/1]

This includes our information security policies, records retention, destruction and archive policies, along with Data Protection, Freedom of Information and related information laws (including data sharing) and policies.

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

Our policies and procedures

Lists and registers

Public registers and registers held as public records

We keep a number of registers and make the information in them available for public inspection. Please see the following list of documents:

Register of councillors' financial and other interests

Highways (Rights of Way)



  • Planning information including details on planning applications [/planning]

Commons, footpaths etc

IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)

Register of electors

Council owned and controlled CCTV cameras

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

Services provided by the Council

Information about the services we provide. Your starting point would normally be a list or lists of the services we are responsible for, linked to details of these services.

Below are some particular areas of interest:

Regulatory and licensing responsibilities

Social care

Services for local businesses

Services for other organisations

We believe that working with a range of suppliers will help us achieve our wider social, economic and environmental objectives outlined in the Corporate Plan.

We know the important contribution that local businesses, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), social enterprises, voluntary and community organisations can make to the delivery of public services and the vital role these organisations play in the national and local economy. We are, therefore, committed to making the most of the benefits offered by them.

To help with this, the SME Concordat outlines how we will make our contracts more accessible.

The Supply2Cov Project also provides practical support to help local business development. [/info/830/procurement-policy/229/support_for_businesses]

Services for which the Council is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees

Information for visitors to the area, leisure information, events, museums, libraries and archive collections

Leaflets, booklets and newsletters (listed separately by area)

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]

Election information

Elections are a democratic process where people over the age of 18 vote for the politicians they want to represent them and their interests. They are local (City and Parish Councils), regional (PCC or Mayor) or national (Parliament).

Here you can find information on how to vote in elections and how the election process works [/elections].

Information Governance

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5408 [tel:02476975408]