The Community Programme

Courses tailored to help you discover new passions, turn existing interests into businesses or boost your mental or physical well-being by exploring a new interest.

We have a range of options including dance, art, crafts & textiles, horticulture and sustainability. Courses are offered at a variety of progression levels in 5 or 10-week sessions, offered daytime and evening, during the week and at weekends.

To enrol on these courses, please visit our online enrolment portal and explore the Art & Photography, Dance, Craft & Textiles or Floristry & Gardening tiles.

For more information, contact us via email on or ring our Learner Services team on 024 7697 5200.

We also offer accredited Art and Craft courses. These are intensive 10-week courses where you will be working in a range of mediums in preparation for a final piece. Courses include Painting & Mixed Media (NCFE Entry Level Award in Creative Craft Entry L1 or Entry L2), and Fabric Crafts (NCFE Entry Level Award in Creative Craft Entry 1).

To enrol on these courses, please book an appointment by emailing or ring our Learner Services team on 024 7697 5200. Once we have received your email, the Visual Arts team will contact you to complete the enrolment process, provide advice, guidance and a small assessment.

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Adult Education Service

Address: Southfields Old School
South Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5200