We lead on commissioning for adults with eligible Social Care needs in Coventry.

We work with partners, including service users and families, health, Care Quality Commission and provider colleagues with an aim to develop sufficiency and quality of Adult Social Care support.

What we do

Strategic Commissioning – We support and enable a development approach. We deliver a range of services including:

  • Population needs assessment;
  • Contract/specification writing;
  • Tendering activity and contract award;
  • Quality assurance
  • Contract and performance management.
  • Brokerage
  • Service user engagement support
  • Support for Informal Carers

Strategic Market Sustainability and Development - We work to sustain the adult social care market and lead on stakeholder consultation.

Adult Social Care Commissioning

What is commissioning?

Commissioning- involves a cycle of Analyse, Plan, Do, Review, as follows:

  • Analyse: What have we got and what do we need? Analysing the support needed.
  • Plan: What should support look like? Planning the services including developing service specifications.
  • Do: What do we need to do to put support in place? Implementing the services and facilitating the market.
  • Review: Is the support meeting need? Monitoring what’s working and what needs improving and then starting the cycle again.

We work with service users, carers, providers and health. This is to make sure that the services are achieving the outcomes that matter to people.

Adult Social Care Commissioning


We work with partners to develop support and services that maximise independence of people in need of support through services ranging from prevention and reablement through to care home provision with an emphasis on trying to support people to live their lives in their own homes wherever possible and where this is not achievable in homely environments in assisted living, Housing with Care or care home provision.  

Adult Social Care Commissioning