Coventry Cultural Education Partnership (CCEP)

Coventry City Council is a member of the Coventry Cultural Educational Partnership (CCEP). It is part of the national Local Cultural Education Partnerships []network and works closely with West Midlands Arts Connect (WM bridge) []

CCEP is a network of professionals and organisations that offer learning opportunities for children and young people between the ages of 0-30 years in Coventry. It includes people from the creative and cultural sector, from formal education settings such schools, universities and colleges, and from early years and informal education providers.

Together we aim to ensure that every child and young person in Coventry has the opportunity to experience cultural learning activities. To help us achieve this we:

  • provide opportunities for the ‘learning’ and ‘cultural’ sector to work together
  • give advice and support to organisations about how to creatively engage with culture in education and learning settings.
  • offer professional development opportunities for teachers, artists, and other professionals 
  • create space for formal and informal conversations about cultural education
  • coordinate a network of ‘Cultural Champions’ in education settings across Coventry
  • regularly share information via dedicated social media and newsletters

Following Coventry's year as UK City of Culture in 2021, the CCEP are working to support the cultural legacy, by ensuring that all children and young people continue to have opportunities to take part in cultural activity, and share in the benefits that City of Culture has brought to our city.

100 Brilliant Ideas to Inspire and Spark Creativity

'100 Brilliant Ideas' [] is a free CCEP resource to inspire young people’s creativity.  It is a quick to use and easy to understand approach to prompt young people to access and use their natural creativity.  The ideas collected were devised by artists, teachers and education professionals, arts, cultural and heritage organisations and individuals with a commitment to developing creativity in young people. The majority of the ideas are designed to allow a quick response without having to rely on a large number of resources, others might need some preparation and may even inspire a trip to a local arts, cultural or heritage venue. We have also included a directory of organisations and individuals you may want to connect with to take your ideas further. 

We hope you find the 100 Brilliant Ideas a useful resource and importantly enjoy them, have fun with your young people and embrace the joy that creativity always brings!

You can view or download 100 Brilliant Ideas [] and look out for our #100BrilliantIdeas [] on Twitter @CoventryCEP [].


For more information on CCEP contact:

CCEP Online

For more information about the CCEP, news updates and opportunities to get involved visit the CoventryCEP website [].

Coventry and Warwickshire Creative Health Alliance (CWCHA)

Coventry City Council is a member of the Coventry and Warwickshire Creative Health Alliance (CWCHA).  The CWCHA is an informal network of organisations interested in exploring the ways that arts and creativity can enhance wellbeing and improve physical and mental health.  Our aim is to improve the availability of arts and cultural activities specifically designed to impact health and wellbeing.  The group was formed in response to the Coventry Cultural Strategy 2017-27 [] and the APPG Creative Health Enquiry Report 2017 (PDF) [].

Currently the network includes health professionals across a variety of settings such as Public Health, NHS, CCG and Hospital Trusts as well as representatives from the creative and cultural sector who have a clear interest in arts/culture for health activity.

For more information contact Claire Hickey (Arts Officer, Heritage & Culture Warwickshire) [] 

Coventry Music Hub

Coventry Music []is the lead organisation of the Coventry Music Hub []. Through partnership working with organisations such as local authorities, schools, other hubs, art organisations, community or voluntary organisations, to support and deliver the National Plan for Music Education [].  This is made possible through the Music Education grant  from the Department for Education, through Arts Council England [].

Coventry Music Hub strive to support schools, raise standards and to provide an inclusive, rich and balanced programme along with opportunities for training and development.  We ensure high-quality teaching and learning for children and young people across the city and provide a number of high-profile performance opportunities which showcase talent, progression and achievement.


Mark Steele - Coventry Music lead [] or visit the Coventry Music Hub website [].