Future Works II event

WMCA Commonwealth Games Legacy Enhancement Fund

Much has happened in the city since some of you took part in The Future Works event in January 2024, and the time feels right to gather again. Ten months on, and with funding from the WMCA Commonwealth Games Legacy Enhancement Fund, we are able to spread the invite wider - to include more people from the cultural sector together with other stakeholders to continue conversations about how arts & culture can make a positive difference in Coventry going forward.

Please save the date 10am – 3pm on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at Coventry Transport Museum.

This gathering has been organised by Coventry Culture Works - an evolving collaboration between representatives from the cultural sector, Coventry City Council, local Universities and others with an interest in developing and promoting arts and cultural activity for the benefit of all Coventry residents. Going forward, we would like more people to be part of Culture Works so that we can collectively agree and deliver our priorities. We want the October event to be future focused, looking at the next opportunities for the city and the sector, with a commitment to action.

The purpose of the day is to:

  • Play back the ideas & priorities from The Future Works I, and other sources as our shared starting point for agreeing clear priorities, actions and strategic goals
  • Outline a new and more inclusive Coventry Culture Works governance structure
  • Get your feedback on how Culture Works can better communicate with you going forward
  • Look at the next opportunities for arts & culture in Coventry – from funding to strategic partnerships

We can accommodate up to 200 people and would encourage you to share this information with your networks to ensure good representation on the day. This event is open to anyone with an interest in arts & culture in Coventry, even if you didn’t attend the previous Future Works event. Our event will be free, with lunch and refreshments provided and we are also exploring ways to support unwaged and freelance cultural sector practitioners through a bursary to attend. More details to follow soon with the actual invitation, we really hope you can join us in October.