Properties exempt from rating
Schedule 5 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 details that the following properties that are occupied may be deemed exempt from the rating list:
- Agricultural Land and Premises
- Fish Farms
- Places of Religious Worship
- Certain Property of Trinity House
- Sewers
- Property of Drainage Authorities
- Parks and Recreation Grounds
- Property used for the Disabled
- Air Raid Protection Works
- Swinging Moorings
- Road Crossings over Watercourses
- Properties used by Visiting Forces
Other occupied properties that may also be deemed exempt from the rating list are:
- Election Meeting Rooms and Polling Stations
- Properties used by Diplomatic Staff
- Public Highways
If you think that your property may qualify as exempt from the rating list you must contact the Valuation Office Agency.
Further details regarding these exemptions from central Government.
Business rates team
Telephone: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am – 12noon, Tuesday 10am - 12noon
Address: Lythalls Lane Industrial EstateCoventry