Environmental legislation is fast-changing and interpreting it can be time-consuming and difficult. The cost of getting it wrong can be high, both financially and for your organisation's reputation.
We are here to make it easier for you.
Registers of Environmental Legislation
- Register of environmental legislation, tailor made for your site
- On site or on line assessment of applicable laws by our experienced consultants
- Instant and secure access to your site specific register via the on line portal with live updates that are relevant to your activities
- Useful to all organisations for identifying legal risks and obligations
- Essential for organisations with environmental and energy management systems
We also offer a Register of Health and Safety legislation.
Environmental Legal Compliance Audits
- Confidential and comprehensive audit of your organisation’s environmental legislation compliance status
- Includes a detailed site inspection and check of documentation/ records
- Provides you with a thorough report identifying both where your organisation is complying - and areas where improvements are needed
Business Sustain, Sustainability Services
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street