Workforce data collection

Diversity and Inclusion Report Data 2023 - Children’s Services


There is a greater percentage of females to males in the City of Coventry’s population, which is reflected within Children’s Services, with 87% of the total employees being female and 13% being male.

Sexual Orientation

Straight/Heterosexual forms the greatest percentage of Sexual Orientation within both data sets, followed by ‘Unknown/ Not Answered’.


The greatest percentage of employees within Children’s services are aged between 35-44, followed closely by 45-54 year olds and then 25-34 year olds. This is reflected within the census data of the greatest percentage of the population being aged between 34-49 years old.


Within both data sets ‘White’ is the most common Ethnicity, followed by ‘Asian’ and ‘Black’ ethnicities.


Children’s data is reflective of the Census data with the majority of the employees being of Christian Faith, closely followed by no religion.


The majority of the population in Coventry are not Disabled under the Equality Act, which is reflected within Children’s Services, as the majority of employees (79%) do not have a disability status.

Appraisal data 2023

Career conversation

  • 425 - no present plans to move
  • 47 - Looking to move roles within the service area
  • 23 - Looking to move roles internally but outside current service area
  • 18 - Prefer not to state
  • 15 - Looking to finish career in current post
  • 13 - Looking for positions externally
  • 4 - Plans to retire or leave role for other reasons

Appraisals submitted 2021/22

  • 6 - Children's Services Improvement Team
  • 29 - Family Valued
  • 267 - Help and protection (26 not submitted)
  • 267 - Looked After Children (3 not submitted)
  • 170 - Quality assurance, Performance and Commissioning
  • 16 - Social Work Academy (2 not submitted)