There is a range of services in Coventry that can support young people and their families. Some services can only be accessed via the Horizon team, but some services also allow children and families to self-refer.
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC)
Telephone: 024 7627 7777, Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 3pm.
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) provides specialist support for adults and children who have been impacted directly or indirectly by sexual violence or abuse at any time in their lives.
This includes online abuse and exploitation.
They aim to address the trauma and injustice of sexual abuse through specialist advocacy, counselling and psychotherapy, training and consultancy, and prevention work with young people.
Both professional and self-referrals can be made into CRASAC via their online referral form.
Anyone who has been recently assaulted may wish to visit a Sexual Assault Referral Centre who will be able to take forensic evidence whether or not a report is made to the police.
Positive Choices Coventry
Telephone: 024 7655 3130 Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4.30pm
Positive Choices is an integrated risk-taking service for children and young people. Their age range is from aged 5 and extends to 25. Positive Choices can be broken down over 3 age brackets;
- Primary School Aged 5-11- children can access support for hidden harm (affected by a parents substance misuse) and risky behaviour.
- Young people aged between 11-16 can access support around risky behaviour; substance misuse, poor sexual health, poor partner relationships and hidden harm.
- Young people aged up to aged 18 can access support around problematic substance misuse.
This service extends to aged 25 young people with a LAC status or additional vulnerability including mental health, learning disability or NEET. Anyone can refer a young person into service including family members. Young people can also self refer.
Creative Optimistic Visions
Telephone: 024 7644 5439
Creative Optimistic Visions is a Community Interest company, supporting individuals with a range of Protective Behaviours courses including:
- Mentoring support
- Primary school aged 4-11 children can access a programme to explore the sense of feeling safe and strategies for when they feel unsafe
- Children and young people can access courses around confidence and self-esteem, feeling safe and an Urban Arts course.
To access alternative education, accredited training and wellbeing services through the lens of The Protective Behaviours Process, contact through the above details.
Telephone: 024 7655 9550 Mon-Thurs 9.30am-5pm
Kairos is a women's charity based in Coventry supporting women over 18 who are at risk of or caught up in street-based prostitution and women aged 18-24 who have been or at risk of sexual exploitation and/or prostitution. They offer:
- A Street Outreach and Drop-In service on Wednesday evenings
- Prison in-reach, Criminal Justice Support, Horse Therapy and Awareness Raising Sessions
- 1-1 Support and Group Support
- 1-1 Protective Behaviours Work
- Group Work and a specific group for those who have exited or looking to exit street-based prostitution
- A Summer Programme of 6 weeks of fun activities
Referrals can be made by contacting Kairos on the above details and a referral form will be sent to you. Referrals for Feeling Safe can also be made by emailing Tianne at as well as through the above contact details.
Family Hubs
There are 8 Family Hubs located in Coventry supporting children, young people and families. Contact details for each of the hubs.
- Referrals can be made directly to a hub by a family or a professional. Please telephone your local hub and ask to speak to the Duty Worker.
- The Duty Worker will be able to offer signposting, complete additional referrals or contact services who are involved with the child in order to collate further information.
- Each hub has a dedicated Youth Worker who can respond to issues and provide support.
- The youth provision provides a range of programmes and interventions that tackle issues affecting young people such as risky behaviours in terms of sexual health.
- A management decision will then be made as to whether the child and family will be signposted to a single agency or discussed by the multi-agency team at the Family Matters meeting. This meeting ensures that appropriate help is offered to safeguard the child, prevent the issue from escalating and deliver early help to children and families.
Family Group Conferencing
Family Group Conferencing are independent co-ordinators (separate from Social Care). They are solutions-focused and help coordinate meetings for families and the supportive individuals who they want there. Families are encouraged to come up with their own solutions to issues and there is a lot of focus on support and safety planning. Referrals can be made by anyone who is case responsible. For referrals and general enquiries, please email and they will send the referral form or access the electronic referral document online. The coordinator will spend time with the referrer to support the referral and help complete the family information sheet.