Janet Colgrave - December winner

Janet Colgrave has managed the Risen Christ Day Centre in Wyken for 25 years.

Due to her excellent leadership, selfless dedication and sheer hard work the Centre has flourished to the point where today it provides a lifeline for dozens of elderly people in the area.

She is responsible for over 30 dedicated volunteers, including drivers and escorts who take more than 60 people to the Centre every day; she runs a lunch club for the over 65s; she oversees the Centre's annual holiday trip to the coast, daily entertainment and services, all of which improve the quality of life for the visitors to the Centre.

She will often take an elderly client to hospital and wait many hours to bring them home again and so helps to ease their suffering. She is always cheerful and ready with a smile.

Janet is more than the Centre manager, she is a friend to staff and clients alike -  ever thinking of others before herself.

She has given so much to those whom she has helped that she truly deserves to be recognised as a Good Citizen of Coventry.