John Moore - March winner

John Moore has given long, consistent and significant voluntary service in the development of Coventry's image in overseas relations.

He has been a member of the Coventry Association of International Friends (CAIF) for nearly 25 years, being secretary for many years, organising two-way links and visits with some of Coventry's twinned cities, including Dresden (of particular note in this year the 50th anniversary of the twinning of these two cities) Volgograd and Kiel, and friendship cities Meschede and Vannes.

He works constantly to uphold the city's reputation as a centre for peace and reconciliation throughout the world, through his untiring, patient and calm encouragement of everyone he meets. He is also a dedicated campaigner in community relations involving Coventry's ethnic groups.
John's service to the city has been outstanding over a long and sustained period and he fully deserves to be called a Good Citizen of Coventry.