Ilyas Deen - September

Mr Deen cares passionately about his local community and helping the people who live there. He has always shown the highest levels of commitment and dedication to the residents of Foleshill and the wider city of Coventry through his charitable acts and community activism.

Mr Deen works tirelessly to help develop, enhance and improve his local community. He often seeks to ensure that any problems in the area are raised; anything from road repairs and fly tipping to crime and anti-social behaviour, and faulty street lighting and abandoned vehicles. He does this not for selfish reasons, but to ensure these problems are addressed for the good of the wider community and to help protect the safety of residents.

Mr Deen displays care and compassion for those in need and always does what he can to make sure they get the help they need when they most need it. Through his work in the community and his wider relationships with faith groups in the area, he is often approached by people who are struggling for one reason or another and who are unsure where to turn for help. Mr Deen is always happy to talk with them, listen to their concerns and point them in the direction of help.

Through his community activism, Mr Deen has shown incredible commitment to the residents of Foleshill and the wider City of Coventry by investing his time and considerable efforts to help others in his area and improve his local community. His actions over many years reflect his altruistic character, therefore a worthy recipient of the Good Citizen Award.”