Public engagement

Children with pledges

As part of this,the Climate Change team delivered a series of engagement sessions across the city at libraries, shopping centres, events, special interest groups and schools. We also hosted online webinars and conducted a survey which closed on 7 July. 

Thank you to everyone that took part in our engagement sessions survey and to those who left comments and pledges at our events. The next steps will be to produce a consultation feedback report which will be published later this summer. Feedback will also be used to update the draft Climate Change Strategy to reflect the views of the city.  

We will also be developing our engagement programme to help raise awareness of issues and provide opportunities for our residents and businesses to get involved in taking action on climate change. 

Highlights from our Engagement Programme, more to come over the coming months. 

Earlsdon Primary Young AmbassadorsEarlsdon Primary Young Ambassadors

Children at Earlsdon Primary looking at what they do in school and home and planning ways to make their day more carbon conscious and sustainable. They created an illustrative vision board of ‘A Typical yet Sustainable day’.

A person with their pledge card

Here are some of the Pledges communities made at our public engagement events:

‘Make my Garden Wild’; ‘Public Transport as a First Choice’ ,‘ Less Waste, Food Packaging and clothes’ ,‘More Trees and Flowers’ ,‘Eat Less Meat’ ‘Fly Less’