Resources regarding mental health for professionals

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Coventry City Council has a webpage dedicated to Mental Health and what resources and organisations are available.

The CSCP has created a guide on compassion fatigue, in order to ensure that professionals who deal with secondary trauma are conscious of their own mental health and how compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma can impact an individual. 

For any immediate and urgent support

If you need immediate support:

  • For Samaritans call 116 123
  • For urgent medical needs call your GP, or NHS 111.
  • If you are in a life-threatening situation call 999

Other support available

There are many mental health services that run throughout Coventry.

  • EAP Programmes - Many organisations now have Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) that offer mental health and wellbeing support. Find out if your organisation has an EAP that you can access.
  • IAPT services are available for people experiencing mild to severe anxiety and depression. They can provide advice, information and therapy. Please note a telephone assessment will take place to ensure the best support is provided. This is a self referral service that can be accessed on 024 7667 1090
  • Shout is the UK's first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. In order to access the service, simply text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
  • The Coventry and Warwickshire Mental Wellbeing Line is for Coventry and Warwickshire residents who are feeling low, anxious, or stressed, having a difficult time coping, and need to talk to someone in confidence to find the right service. This is a 24/7 phone line that is operational 365 days a year. They can be accessed on 0800 616171

If you are concerned that a child is suffering from neglect or abuse, please report your concern to the MASH team: 

Telephone: 024 7678 8555


You can also fill out a Multi-agency referral form through the following link: Multi-agency referral and initial information.

If you need support on a range of issues, you can request this from Early Help by visiting a Family Hub or submitting a request online.