Safeguarding resources for children and young people

We sometimes write guides and leaflets specially for young people, to make important information accessible to you easily. We have also included sites and further support available to you below.

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)

We have produced a set of webpages about child sexual abuse, how to spot the signs and where to go for help and support. This includes a specific page of resources for children and young people. 

Online safety

The Childline site has tips and resources to help you stay safe online.

Mental health support

Are you worried about your mental health? YoungMinds has loads of help and support for you on lots of subjects including bullying, anger, body image, exam stress, eating problems, managing grief and loss, problems at school - and more. There's also some general support around mental health, feelings and symptoms and how to look after yourself.

Kooth is an anonymous digital counselling and support service for 11 to 25 year olds in Coventry.

Where to go for further help

Call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit their website for help, advice and support

The Petals web app is for young people, both girls and boys living in the UK who want to find out more about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and how it might affect them and others they may know.