Digital place

Infrastructure, digital innovation and data are promoted within the city to deliver economic growth and public service reform [/info/237/digital_coventry/2926/digital_place].

This means enabling the right infrastructure in the city to support our Digital Coventry ambition, including internet connectivity to deliver economic prosperity and improve the lives of residents. Establishing Coventry as a leading Smart City with specific focus on energy, health and transport industries. Using innovation to deliver better public services, with less money - this includes maximising digital channels to engage hard to reach groups. It also means harnessing the power of data and insight more effectively - so we can reduce duplication and target services.

Digital customer and inclusion

Enabling customers to get the information they need and to access our services through online self-service. [/covconnects]

This means making sure Council services can be accessed via the internet and are user-friendly. This could be for information or advice, to signpost to other services not provided by the Council, to make a payment or to request, apply or report something. It also means making internet access available for people who may not have this at home and building digital skills working with partners.

Digital communities

Using digital technology to engage with our citizens and to work closely with our partners to address complex issues. [/info/237/digital_coventry/2927/digital_communities]

This means maximising the potential of digital technology in how we communicate and engage with our citizens, customers and partner organisations. It means providing the right digital environment within communities, and developing with partners, citizens and customers the innovative provision of services such as health and social care. It also encourages collaboration within citizen groups to help people access new networks or community resources to help individuals help themselves, promoting independence.

Digital workforce

Enabling a workforce which has access to the right tools to do its job and is confident in maximising the use and benefits of technology in its daily work. [/info/237/digital_coventry/2929/digital_workforce]

This means providing the right technology, such as tablets and phones, so that teams can work in different places, can access systems they need, when they need to and simplifying processes and systems for the benefit of customers and teams. It also means developing a Digital Skills Strategy so we are recruiting and training with digital in mind.