The National Autistic Society
National autistic society

see training calendar

Course details

Course outcomes:

This enhanced training offers frameworks and practical application of theory into practice, providing an opportunity for participants to explore their practice and the way in which they need to adapt their support to meet the needs of autistic children and adults.

Areas covered:

  • The sensory world of autistic people
  • Sensory systems and sensory processing
  • How individuals are affected and the impact on daily life
  • Behaviour and sensory sensitivities
  • Sensory strategies and direct interventions and environmental strategies
Course length
2 x One day online
Target group
IPS Service Managers & keyworkers that may support assessments and manage service delivery and Adult Social Care Social Workers, OT’s and Care professionals who undertake needs assessments for Autistic people

How to book:

If you do not have access to my employment please email