
Hello and welcome! You’ll find me today in Coventry’s new Festival Assembly Garden that has just sprung up as part of the City of Culture year, opposite the Council House. Lots of events are gonna go on here over the next 12 months or so. But here’s the thing. I’m here today because on Saturday there’s a big festival taking place here all about the future of transport and I’ll be speaking at it, behind me in the Piccolo tent. Coventry’s an exciting place at the moment, looking to the future. Coventry was the birthplace of the UK automotive industry and really we are the hub of future transport modes. Here in Coventry alone, we are pioneering electric vehicles. We’re the place for the UK battery industrialisation centre. We’re building a Very Light Rail that will revolutionise passenger transport - public transport – in our country. But also, we’re looking at autonomous vehicles. There’s all sorts of exciting things going on here. Air-One, which is a drone transport, is going to be pioneered here later this year. So all sorts of things, really happening. And I’ll be here on Saturday and it’ll be an opportunity for people to come and see lots of speakers and lots of very important people – far more important people than I am – from all over the country, who’re experts in fields, to talk about what it is they want to see for their country going forward and Coventry is represented there today. So you’ll see a link at the end of this video, hit the link, get along, come along and hear and see what is happening both in Coventry and in the country. This is really really exciting for Coventry.

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