
Coventry’s Integrated Two-Year Review – ‘Together at Two’ Progress Check

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) progress check, usually carried out by a child’s key person, is a statutory requirement for nurseries and childminders delivering childcare to two-year-olds within the EYFS framework. The health and development review, at age two to two-and-a-half, is part of the Healthy Child Programme, and is delivered by health professionals.  Whilst we recognise that children perform better in familiar surroundings such as their home or nursery, the two-year progress check often takes place in unfamiliar surroundings, which means the child may not truly show what they can achieve. The integrated review will bring these two assessments together providing a more complete picture of the child.

All children aged two years who are in childcare should receive a ‘Together at Two’ progress check before their third birthday, this may take place in the home, nursery or childminders. More often they take place in a health centre or Family Hub.

We have outlined the process to promote the sharing of this information at the child’s ‘Together at Two’ Progress Check:

  • The check should be completed by the child's key worker at the nursery, preschool or childminder.
  • Ideally the check should be completed before the child has his/her two-year check with the Health Visitor.
  • The check is designed to identify things they are doing well and things they might need help with.
  • The completed two-year progress check must be shared with parents and any parental comments included.
  • Parents will then share the completed progress check at their appointment with the relevant health professional. It could be kept in the child’s ‘Red Book’ until the appointment or shared via an electronic device.
  • The Health professional can use the assessment provided by the childcare provider to support the healthy child check. 

In the first instance the 2 - 2.5-year assessment should be completed. The 2.5 - 3-year check can be completed if you need to compare a child’s progress against the earlier check (2 - 2.5-year assessment) or where a child has started at your setting after their third birthday and you wish to access support from the health visiting team.  

Where a child is accessing support from the SEND team, an application for two-year funding should be submitted. This application will need to be endorsed by the child’s SEND support professional.