- Name
- Whitley Abbey
- Address
- Ashington Grove, CV3 4DE
- Telephone
- 024 7630 3392
- Fax
- 024 7630 3541
- headteacher@whitleyabbey-pri.coventry.sch.uk
- Name of Headteacher
- Robbie Walker
- Type
- Mixed
- Website
- www.whitleyabbey-pri.coventry.sch.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/Whitley-Abbey-Primary-School-772968099545346/
- X (formerly Twitter)
- https://twitter.com/whitleyprimary
- Admissions policies
- http://www.coventry.gov.uk/communityandvcschoolsadmissionspolicies
- Ofsted report
- http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/103655
- SEN information report
- https://whitleyabbeyprimary.co.uk/key-information/send
- Location
- Roads in catchment area
- Abbey Road including Abbey Court
- Abbey Way
- Ashington Grove
- Bankside Close
- Burnham Road
- Carnegie Close
- Hillfray Drive
- London Road (108 - 302 even and 261 - 401 odd)
- Riverside Close
- Rosamond Close
- Rowley Drive
- Rowley Lane including Airport Cottages
- Rowley Road - From City boundary as far as tributary to River Sowe
- Rutherglen Avenue
- Scimitar Way including Argosy Court
- Sebastian Close
- Sedgemoor Road
- Selsey Close
- Seymour Close
- Shanklin Road
- Shetland Road
- Sibree Road
- Siskin Drive - Within City Boundary
- Southport Close
- Stonebridge Highway - River Sowe to London Road Island
- Stonehouse Lane
- Sunbury Road
- Sunnybank Avenue
- The Avenue including Bartholomew Court
- Tonbridge Road
- Whitley Hospital Cottages