Year of twinning
About the town or city
Coventry is located in the state of Rhode Island in the United States of America.
Coventry Rhode island is one of America's oldest towns, incorporated in 1741 and named after Coventry, England, by settlers to America.

Coventry was incorporated in 1741 and is today still one of the largest towns in the small state of Rhode Island. It is a residential town with a number of small businesses but many of the people derive their livelihood from manufacturing industry situated in other parts of Rhode Island.

During the early days of Coventry's existence agriculture and timber industries provided most of the work, these were followed by the cotton and woollen mills which sprang up along the Pawluxet river and remained the main industry for the area for over 125 years. Today, most of the mills have gone but branches of some well-known American corporation and the Star City Class Company remain.

As one of America's oldest towns, Coventry is rich in historical landmarks. Among the best known are the 1770 homestead of General Nataneal Greene, an Independence War veteran, overlooking the Pawluxet river and the village of Anthony.
Distance from Coventry
3236 miles
City website