
um so this is just a quick backstory because when I tell people about my project in particular um you know there's some some misconceptions so neither team projects are youth clubs um we you know we don't we service project is the one that meets up more that's between one plus is more of the group work element but team by next steps is more about building that one-to-one relationship and then slowly but surely at the young person's pace connecting them to networks that they're interested in so to give you an example this young lady she was referred to team vine before the end of year 11. She hadn't been in school in a mainstream setting which is where she was on ralph about 18 months she was really anxious about what was coming next and didn't know what to do but in our first discussion I got that all out of the way and then asked her what she liked and her interest and it became obvious she was really good at interior design really good at art so I connected her to a local interior designer who talked to her about the industry and how to get into it and how she didn't need to be you know this young lady had thought that she had to go to university she had to get an interior design degree and that was it which was something that would take her a lot longer because of her current pathway um but you know talking to someone in that field helped her realize the breadth and the importance of actually real life experience for her now she um with you know the help of the project she's found a um a college course she's enrolled on she's attending that she's working on her barriers she's you know her anxiety is something that we worked on we also worked with a therapist and she had some sessions with her to overcome those she had socialisation opportunities with other teen viners and she's now actually gone over onto sarah's project on team one plus so she's you know and that doesn't always happen but in this young lady's case it was appropriate that she then because she didn't really have many connections she then went and started doing more the group meetups with Sarah's group but the main thing is that she identified those solutions and she worked you know she thought of what it was that she wanted to do she worked with me she worked with her family to solve the problems herself and that's really empowering because you know I could have come up with a list of suggestions that wouldn't have worked for her they would have been great ideas but they wouldn't have worked for that young person um and like I say she's also you know still staying with us at the moment by going on to another project okay next slide please. So does it sound like someone you would know? If it does then you just need to fill in a referral form there's a QR code on there any of the email addresses below can be uh you can just say can have a referral form eligibility they should have some sort of send it does not need to be diagnosed there is no criteria in what that send is it could be anxiety which you know is not strictly speaking clusters are ascended by some classifications could be adhd learning disability physical disability anything um and you know lots of the young people we work with are awaiting diagnosis and you know we can work with them even if they haven't got a piece of paper that's a magic tick box we can let them in they have to be aged between 13 and 18 that is quite strict because of our funders criteria um and they have to live in Coventry or Warwickshire for team oneplus because they do a lot of meetups in town or around town it is better if they're Coventry based um we have made it work for Warwickshire people in the past teamvine next steps works particularly well if they're in Warwickshire um because of you know the one-to-one element and so yeah the referral form is just a google form you fill it in in terms of spaces my project is actually full for this next six months cohort so up until December put in a referral though if there's somebody that you can think of and i'll take them on in January if it's appropriate for them and Sarah's project she's got about about half a dozen spaces and her new cohort starts in September and runs for 12 months so it can get a little bit confusing but I would say that you know the the simple symbol start again single sentence summary is if they're not engaged in education not going out the house not really having that much interaction team by next steps with myself if they are going to school they've got some friends but they need a few more connections they need to you know have more contacts their own age then it's team oneplus.

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