
So Pat here we are on the corner of the Butts and the ring road and what are we looking at? We're looking at our wonderful welcome to Coventry and this is all part of our upgrade and improvements to our city a nice cheerful sign part what'd you think of it?

I think it's absolutely lovely. I hope that people like it because this is about a welcome to our city it's a main route and you know the fact is that we do have visitors to our city that when we when they come in we want to see our city at its best and welcome come and have a look at what we've got come on in and that's the most important thing to us is to get that welcome that they should deserve.

The ring road works this is actually just cheered it up a little bit and of course it really fits in well with all the other work that we've done in the city as well.

Everything I think as we go around the ring road we are making changes the Swanswell fire duct and so on all the improvements brightening it up and this is one of those where we feel that it's a good place to say welcome to our city.

There we are so just a little bit of art in order to cheer people up as they come into work, come in to shop, come in to play, whatever they do in our city centre plenty for you to do. Welcome to Coventry.

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Published date
3 March 2022