
Since my dad is disabled and he is at high risk I've had to wear a mask at school and keep away from other people. It's actually been really hard but it kind of makes me scared and more aware because like I don't want my dad catching corona and I want him to live it's been bad because I can't see church or I can't see, I can't see my friends that I can't go to swimming now and the car and I can't do anything else it hasn't been very fun we weren't able to meet with friends and family and we couldn't go out or do anything we had to do with what we had in our house.

Going to the car circle life has been unfair and not really nice it's really boring because you have like not much to do in the house. I've been doing my homework and um going on my tablet every year on summer holiday I'll go to Nigeria where I'm from and meet my family sometimes but since lockdown and covid in all the planes and airports are shut down so people can transfer from one place to another I couldn't meet them. I try to um keep myself busy so I do my schoolwork and sometimes I'll actually cook and bake because I like cooking and baking and sometimes do crafts with things that I have around the house like one day I made cookies and they were really nice. Unprecedented times we haven't been through anything like this and hopefully we won't again but I'm really proud of the way the cities all pull together and put us in the best shape possible really to deal with to deal with the covid pandemic. Key messages in terms of driving down the rate of covid infections in the city are the simple ones really so it's the hands, face, space; so wash your hands more often particularly if you've been outside and keep your space keep that two meters from people unless they're people in your your home bubble. Cover your face with the face covering if you need to go indoors somewhere that isn't your own home such as to the shops. The other important messages are to be look out for the signs of good if you've got symptoms however mild then please do get a test there are lots of places now in the city where you can get a test and if you've been in contact with somebody who has covered symptoms or has a positive test then please isolate isolate means staying at home for 14 days if you've been in touch with somebody I know that's really difficult for people but but it's the only way we're going to drive this infection down at the moment hands face space stay alert protect you and it just save lives stay very late keep alcohol gel at your side and keep your distance hey wear your mark wash your hands step apart and stay safe I'm really mindful there's a number of festivals coming up at this time of year. It will be difficult for families because they can't celebrate in the way they would normally do with their wider community with wider family members but please do adhere to the guidance and you will have to celebrate at home it's tough I know but people will need to stay at home and to celebrate this year and make best use of digital technology speak to people through social media and if we get it right now then it stands us in a much better stead going forward into the new year and hopefully next year's festivals will be as we would like them to be. I wish all my friends are happy Diwali a happy Diwali I want to wish all my friends merry Christmas along to all my friends blessed you and the return of the light to our pagan friends and to the people that don't have a faith faithful don't celebrate those things I hope you stay safe, enjoy your time at home here comes the wave meant to wash me away that's height that is taking me under when coronavirus is over I'm going to definitely meet all my friends and family and catch up with them you have to be positive about the future I think this second lockdown is really going to help if as a city we all follow the guidance and do it in the spirit of which is intended and stay at home as much as possible to shoot me or cut me down.

I can stay silent together we can get through this through this together we can get through this together we can get through this together we can get to this game on.

bye um

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Published date
10 November 2020