
The video features a number of photos of the city and various clips of children talking to social workers.

During the video the following text is overlayed.

‘Our children’s services have been rated as good by Ofsted’

‘Here’s why Ofsted gave us that rating’

‘Significant investment has been made to develop multi-agency early help hubs that cover all wards.’

‘Most children enter care when they need to…’

‘…as a result, most children have improving experiences, progress and outcomes.’

‘The voice of the child is important in Coventry’

‘Children’s voices are listened to at all levels of the local authority.’

‘Children in care benefit from committed social workers who know their children well and take pride in their achievements.’

‘Strong multi-agency working in the local authority protects children’

All of this ensures that children’s services in Coventry are responsive to children and young people's needs’

Cllr Seaman then is interviewed.

She says:

‘There’s too many people to mention in regard to this fantastic outcome of good rating from Ofsted. The teams that work right across our city are so committed and I know they put children and families at the heart of everything that we do. We want the best for all of our children and families in Coventry. We know we are now good. We know that we are working in the right way. We know that we just need to continue doing what we do, the way we do it, the best that can continue that improvement.

Then the video showcases a picture of all of children's services holding up a sign that says good.

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