Dates and times

Hosted by Sonia Elves and Izzy King this course will be delivered weekly on a Wednesday for 10 weeks from 17th April till 26th June. Meeting time is 9:30am and will start with complimentary Coffee and Tea, session will end at 12pm.

Course Information

The aim of this 10-week course is to build confidence in carers to understand why children and young people behave in certain ways and how to manage their responses. Carers to reflect on your own behaviours and how certain behaviours of children might trigger your own emotional responses.

There will be 10 sessions split into both learning and reflective weeks.

Attendance is required on all dates for 100% completion of this course

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Embed the importance of self-care and peer support.
  • To promote permanence for children and young people.
  • Embed PACE strategies into parenting the children the carers are looking after.
  • Understand why children behave the way they do and how this triggers your emotions and responses.
  • Explore what identity is and how this might impact behaviour.
  • Develop and practice reflective