Edge Training

Please see Training Calendar

Course details

Course Details:

Under the Care Act 2014, legal responsibility to meet someone’s eligible needs falls on the council where the person is ‘ordinarily resident’. However, the interpretation of the ordinary residence rules is not always clear, and can lead to fierce disputes between one authority and another. Meanwhile the rules as to who funds healthcare and who has to meet someone’s aftercare needs under s.117 of the Mental Health Act are different in several respects. This half-day, practice-based course for adult social care and other staff sets out the rules around ordinary residence, addresses the overlap with other legislation and considers some of the complex issues which are encountered in practice.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course attendees will:

  • know the basic rules of ordinary residence, including placements out of area;
  • be clear about the areas of Care Act practice to which ordinary residence is relevant.
  • understand how these are affected by issues of mental capacity.
  • be aware of how ordinary residence rules apply to NHS continuing health care & s.117 MHA aftercare; and
  • feel confident that they can apply the ordinary residence rules in their practice


Course length
Half day training
Target group

Team Leaders, Social Workers, OT’s & Social Care Professionals



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