Core Pathway - Curriculum Support - GCSE
North star school
Training Provider
North Star School
Provider Contact
Chelsea Mallabone & Emily Bedford
Provider Email
Provider Number
07500347043 / 07810522491
Course Name
KS3 English
Organisation Website
Course Description
At Key Stage 3, students follow National Curriculum topics that prepares them for Key Stage 4 studies and examinations.

Teaching staff ensure pupil’s confidence and competence in spoken language, reading and writing. With teaching support, pupils will develop their knowledge of and skills in writing, how to write formal and academic essays as well as writing imaginatively. Pupils are encouraged and taught to read books, to read in depth and to read for pleasure and information.

In line with The National Curriculum subject content at Key Stage 3 students will be taught to:


Develop an appreciation and love of reading, and read increasingly challenging material independently
Understand increasingly challenging tests
Read critically

Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information
Plan, draft, edit and proof-read
Grammar and Vocabulary

Consolidate and build on their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
Spoken English

Speak confidently and effectively
Qualification (If Applicable)
Not Accredited
Course Literature
Monday, Tuesday all day and Friday (am)
Ofsted Registered
Online delivery/AT7 Centre, 12 Bell Green Road, Coventry, CV6 7GP
How to Apply
Daily Rate of £130 - / Half Day Rate £65 / Online Course - Daily Rate of £120 / Half Day Rate £60
Coventry Alternative Provision