Targeted pathway - Secondary intervention - Intervention
Training Provider
Career Seekers Direct Limited
Our mission is to raise aspirations, develop skills and make valuable connections. Our value statement says we are credible, knowledgeable, personable, supportive and collaborative. skilled and professionally qualified team have had previous roles which include teachers, HR Managers, Career Advisers, Coaches and Youth Workers. We have vast experience of working in the utility, hospitality and catering, health & social care, secondary and higher education, charities and manufacturing sectors.
Provider Contact
Eva Harrison
Provider Email
Provider Number
0345 5480080
Course Name
Helping you get the Job you want
Organisation Website
Course Description
This 6-week programme supports students to be ready for leaving full time education and engaging in further training, Education or Employment. It develops the employability skills of learners. The programme is particularly suitable for girls and boys in Years 10 and 11 at risk of becoming NEET.
During the Programme we will support the student to:
• Identify the route that they wish to explore post 16
• Ensure that all necessary actions are completed accordingly
• Complete job/training applications, interview preparation and job search
• Develop their confidence and understanding of the new responsibilities associated with leaving school
The Programme is delivered by our Careers Advisers and Employability Coaches. The Programme covers information, advice, and guidance around preparation for a Post 16 positive destination. We will invite local employers in to talk with the students about the reality of the World of Work and we will access our online Let’s Do Business Programme which will give students access to local employers. Students will work towards and gather evidence of achievement for units from NCFE Employability Skills Awards covering:
Discovering Who I Am and How the World Sees Me
Becoming My Own Person
Working as a Team
Completing CV
Interview Skills
Reflection and Action Planning
Presenting Themselves
The Level the students will work towards will be dependent on the existing Level they are working at as discussed with the school.
We may be able to source a work experience placement for the students too and this (prices etc) can be discussed on a case by case basis.

N.B. The course may be provided for individual schools on their own premises for a small group of learners. The price for this is available upon application
Qualification (If Applicable)
Engagement only
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Ofsted Registered
Central / easily accessible location in Coventry / TBC
How to Apply
Fee based on 1 day per week for £110
Coventry Alternative Provision